If during use of the treadmill you notice the treadmill running mat shifts to the left or right, first
stop the treadmill and hop of the machine. Restart the treadmill without standing on the
machine and run for approximately 2 minutes. If the running mat moves back to the centre,
check that the treadmill is on a level surface, as this will most likely be the cause for the mat
moving to the left or right while in use. If the running mat is still to the left or right, stop the
treadmill and make an adjustment as follows.
If the mat is to the right side of the treadmill, using the M6 Allen key provided, insert allen key
in the right rear roller adjusting bolt (as pictured above), and turn a ¼ of a turn clockwise. Start
treadmill and run for approximately 2 minutes and mat should return to the centre of treadmill.
This may take several adjustments, so repeat the above procedure.
If the mat is to the left side of the treadmill, stop treadmill and insert allen key into the left rear
roller adjusting bolt and turn a ¼ of a turn clockwise, then run treadmill for 2 minutes. This
may take several adjustments, so repeat the above procedure.