V: 1.0.1 Revised: Nov. 2021
Chapter 1:
1.1 Overview
The Relay-Class 1AR Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) is designed to provide users with an easy-to-install, plug-and-play solution that can be used
with any protection relay, power meter, or device with a 1A nominal current input. The flexibility of Rogowski Coil CTs reduces installation
complexity and is ideal for a variety of applications or unique configurations where spatial constraints may limit the use of rigid-body CT
The integrator kit is rated for class 5P20 (IEC 61869-2). This means that if the primary current is 20 times the rated primary current of the
1AR, it will be able to sense and measure the current with an accuracy of 5%. The 1AR is user-configurable and can measure current from
0.25A to 100kA. Additionally, it can be used on systems that operate at both 50Hz and 60Hz further increasing its utility across industries.
1.2 What's Included
The Rogowski Coil Kit includes a single-phase integrator unit with five, configurable CT ratios for the current input channel and a 24Vdc power
supply to power the integrator. The integrator can be surface-mounted or DIN rail mounted; the power supply is designed to be mounted on
DIN rail. One Rogowski coil (model RCTxx-1000; available in sizes from 16” to 47”) is required to measure the current and is sold separately.
Rogowski Coil Input
One channel for a flexible rope-style CT
1A Output
One channel, 1A output
Power On Light
Indicates that the RIK is powered up
Overtemp Light
Indicates that the unit is over the
specified temperature limits
CT Configurator
Five field configurable CT ratios
Power Supply
Power Supply Input
Power Supply Input (100-240Vac)
Flexible Rogowski Coil
Current Transformer
Model RCTxx-1000 CT; sizes available
from 16” to 47” inches (sold separately)
Coil Input Lead
Rogowski CT lead for connection
with RIK integrator
Chapter 1: Introduction