11.4. Text
Camera type supported
TVIP11561, TVIP21560, TVIP41560, TVIP61560
Enable the displaying of the date.
Enable the displaying of the camera name.
Camera name:
enter the camera name here (max. 32 characters).
Time format:
select a display format (24-hour or 12-hour) for the time.
Date format:
select a display format for the date.
Display mode:
select between flashing or non-flashing display for all overlays.
OSD size:
select the size for a character. Options: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64
pixels, auto). The auto option automatically adapts the character size to
the image size.
Font colour:
select the colour for displaying characters. The colour palette for a
custom selection can be found on the right next to the selection box.