11.7. Motion detection settings
Detection mode:
Off / Software / PIR
You can change the detection mode here. If it is switched off,
no recording or notification will take place if motion is detected.
The choice between Software and PIR detection modes is only
available if your camera has an integrated PIR sensor.
Information about the use of software detection
The camera will detect differences in light between the individual pixels if software
detection is in use. Please note that accidental deployment may occur if the camera is
orientated towards a scene with fluctuations in light as standard
(e.g. sunlight through a window).
Information about the use of PIR detection
The camera detects differences in temperature using the integrated passive infrared
sensor (PIR). Please note that accidental deployment may occur if the camera is
orientated towards a scene with fluctuations in temperature as standard
(e.g. windows, radiators, larger metal objects).
You can change the sensitivity of the software detection for day
and night here. A high value will lead to detection in the event
of minor changes, and a low value will trigger only in the event
of more major changes to the camera image.
Motion screen:
If you have enabled software detection, you can exclude
individual image sectors from the detection. Click the desired
image sectors to do this. If the sector is black, no motion will be
detected here.
11.8. Notification settings
You can enable or disable push notifications here.
Language notification:
You can change the language of the push notifications here.
You can enter the email sender and receiver data here to set up
email notification.
You can also enable email notification in the camera settings
for the respective camera (see section)
11.9. Storage settings
SD card:
Format the SD card here.
Circular buffer:
You can enable or disable the circular buffer here.
If the circular buffer is active, the camera transfers the earliest files when the SD card
is full. If the circular buffer is deactivated, the camera stops recording once the SD card
is full.