| Introduction to the METERS and METERL load management systems
Introduction to the METERS and METERL load management systems
Thank you very much for choosing a METERS/METERL dynamic load management system from ABL!
The METERS | METERL load management systems combine an external energy meter with three cable type cur-
rent transformers for measuring the three-phase total current (charging stations and domestic consumption) or
section current (domestic consumption only). The energy meter communicates with the controller charging station
(eMH2 | eMH3 | eMC2 | eMC3) or control unit (1V0001 | 1V0002) in a group or individual installation and allows dy-
namic and efficient distribution of the available electricity to all charge points based on this measurement. METERS
can measure currents up to 300 A, while METERL is designed for larger installations with up to 600 A.
Further information on technical data is available in the appendix from page 29.
There is a label on the packaging to identify the type of load management
system. Check the label to make sure that the model you have is the system
suitable for your application.
METERL 1 Stück
Externes Lastmanagement(L)
Albert-Büttner-Straße 11
D-91207 Lauf
Items supplied
METERS | METERL are supplied with the following components:
Energy meter, 1 pc
Cable type current transformer
(300 or 600 A), 3 pcs
Download note (multilingual), 1 pc
Download-Hinweis, Stand 10/2019
Produktnummer: 0301431_b
Die ausführlichen Installations- und
Bedienungsanleitungen stehen als
Download unter
The detailed installation and operating
manuals are available for download at
ABL_Downloadhinweis-Anleitung_01.indd 1
21.10.19 17:03
Checking the components included
Check immediately after unpacking whether all components are included: should any components be missing,
please contact the dealer from whom you purchased the load management system.
Compatible products
The METERS and METERL load management systems are offered as separate accessories for the following ABL
Wallbox eMH2 Controller (2W2240 | 2W2241)
Charging station from ABL with one charge point for use as a controller in a
group installation, either with a permanently integrated charging cable or with
a charging socket
h = 437 mm, w = 328 mm, d = 170 mm
(Housing without protrusions)