What it may mean: Access to Critical Alerts was disabled.
What to do: Follow the instructions on the screen to allow permission for Critical
Alerts. You will not be able to use the App to check your glucose or start a new
Sensor until the permission is allowed.
Display: Unexpected Application Error
What it may mean: The App has detected an unexpected error.
What to do: Shut down the App completely and restart.
Problems Receiving Alarms
What it may mean: You have turned alarms off.
What to do: Go to the main menu and then select Alarms. Choose the alarm you
want to turn on and set.
What it may mean: The Sensor is not communicating with the App or there may be
a problem with the Sensor.
What to do: The Sensor must be within range (33 feet) of your device for you to
receive alarms. Make sure that you are within this range. You will see the
symbol at the top of the screen when your Sensor has not communicated with
your device in 5 minutes. If the Signal Loss Alarm is on, you will be notified if there
has been no communication for 20 minutes. Try turning Bluetooth OFF then ON
again. If that doesn’t work, try turning your phone OFF then ON again. If the Signal
Loss Alarm persists, contact Customer Service.
What it may mean: One or more of the following is turned off in your phone
settings: Allow Critical Alerts, Notifications, Lock Screen and Banner alerts,
Notification sounds, or general phone sounds or vibration.
What to do: Check to make sure that you have the correct settings and
DOC44383_rev-C 1:14pm 22-SEP-2021