This document is based on information
available at the time of its publication.
While efforts have been made to ensure
accuracy, the information contained
herein does not cover all details or
variations in hardware and software,
nor does it provide for every possible
contingency in connection with
installation, operation, and maintenance.
Features may be described herein that are
not present in all hardware and software
ABB Zenith assumes no obligation of
notice to holders of this document with
respect to changes subsequently made.
ABB Zenith makes no representation or
warranty, expressed, implied, or
statutory, and assumes no responsibility
for the accuracy, completeness,
sufficiency, or usefulness of the
information contained herein. No
warrantees of merchantability or fitness
for purpose shall apply.
Contact your local sales office if further
information is required concerning any
aspect of the automatic transfer switch
operation or maintenance.
Warranty Period
The Warranty Period for ZTS(D) T-series
transfer switch products is twenty-four
(24) months from the date of
Notes: This warranty is valid only in the
United States and for products sold and
installed within seller-specified countries.
Replacement parts are warranted for a
period of 90 days when installed by a
factory or an authorized service station.
Contact Service team at: +1 800 637 1738
or [email protected] for 24-hour
Fig. 1 Sample nameplate
Product Rating / Applicable Standards
For UL 1008 ‘withstand’ and ‘close on
short circuit’ ratings, refer to ABB
publication number 1SCC303020C0201.