Universal Bypass Switch Unit
Operation Manual
UNB2357E / Page 2 (34)
Notes to this manual
ATTENTION! Please read these instructions very carefully
before installing and commissioning the switching device.
This manual is part of the delivered device. Knowledge of this
document is obligatory before dealing with the specified unit
or putting it into operation. All work on the module such as
transport, putting into operation, adjustment and
maintenance has to be carried out by qualified personnel
only. The rules for prevention of accidents for the specific
country and the universal safety rules acc. IEC 364 have to
be acknowledged!
This manual is equivalent to the technical revision of the
rectifier on the day of its printing. The contents are for
information purposes only and is not included in the contract.
Technical changes between this manual and the actual
product are possible due to technical progress. Exendis is not
responsible for incorrect technical descriptions or data inside
this manual because there is no obligation for a permanent
actualisation of these documents.
The switch mode inverter will be manufactured according to
valid DIN- and VDE-standards such as VDE 0106 (part 100)
and VDE 0100 (part 410). The CE-label on the modules
confirms the compliance with EU-standards for 73/23 EWG –
low voltage and 89/339 EWG – electromagnetic compatibility
when installation and operation rules are observed.
All systems and components are delivered according to the
delivery conditions for electrical products and services of the
electronic industry and our own sales conditions. Differences
to the contents in this manual such as technical data,
dimensions, weight and handling are possible.
In case of a reclamation of the delivered product please
contact us immediately after receipt, with delivery note
number, device type, device number and fault description.
In the case of visible changes on the device caused by the
customer (missing screws, broken welds, dismounted boards
ect.) the customer looses the warranty .or at operation under
non-specified conditions (acc. technical specifications), the
customer looses the warranty and there is no liability by
Exendis. The responsibility for measurements to prevent
accidents and material damages has the system operator
(customer), not Exendis.