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8 - Maintenance
Operations on the inverter to identify and address any faults may only be performed by the
installer or by qualified personnel.
eb user interface and wireless communication
The following table gives a list of main and most common errors or problems relating to the
wireless communication between inverter and user devices.
Possible causes
The web user interface cannot be
ADMIN or USER password forgotten.
Reset the passwords by clicking on “Forgot your password”; The
passwords can be reset after having entered the “Product Key”
code that can be found on the “Wireless Identification Label”.
The inverter is able to identify a wire-
less network but is unable to connect
to it.
The signal between the inverter and the
wireless router to which the board wants
to connect is too weak.
Modify the position of the wireless antenna, the inverter or the
Make sure that the inverter has not been installed near obsta-
cles which could affect the communication with the wireless
router (for example: metal cages or walls, walls in reinforced
concrete, electromagnetic fields).
Move the router as close as possible to the inverter.
Install a wireless signal repeater in order to extend the network
to which the inverter is to be connected; then connect the inver-
ter to the repeater.
The wireless network to which the inver-
ter is to be connected, could require the
user to enter a username and password
to allow navigation (for example, with a
public wireless network or a hotel).
Unfortunately the inverter cannot be connected to these types
of wireless networks. Connect the inverter to an alternative wi-
reless network.
The Inverter has not identified the wi
reless network to which connection
is required.
The wireless network to which the Inver-
ter is to be connected, is set so as not to
be identified (hidden network).
The Inverter is not able to connect to a hidden network. Set the
wireless network to which the inverter is to be connected (visible
network), then identify and connect the Inverter to the wireless
network as normal.
The signal between the inverter and the
wireless router to which the board wants
to connect is too weak.
Modify the position of the wireless antenna, the inverter or the
Make sure that the inverter has not been installed near obsta-
cles which could affect the communication with the wireless
router (for example: metal cages or walls, walls in reinforced
concrete, electromagnetic fields).
Move the router as close as possible to the inverter.
Install a wireless signal repeater in order to extend the network
to which the inverter is to be connected; then connect the inver-
ter to the repeater.
The wireless board does not com-
municate correctly with the inverter
inside of which it is installed (incon-
sistency in the detected data read by
the board), or when working in “Ac
cess Point Mode”, it’s not possible to
access the web user interface.
The wireless board of the inverter could
be damaged.
Request a service intervention to check that the inverter wire-
less board is working correctly.
Wrong Inverter Date/Time settings.
Check if Date/Time has correctly set on the inverter; correct it
if necessary.