- 99 -
8 - Maintenance
- Code on display
- Error message
- Signal
Name of Alarm and Cause
- W010 *
- Fan broken!
Yellow LED lamp.
*not visualised on di-
Fan broken:
This error occurs when there is a malfunction in the fan/
fans inside the inverter.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the alarm repeats persistently, contact customer assistance.
- W011
- Bulk UV
Yellow LED
Bulk Under-voltage:
The alarm (which is a warning and not an error) is gene-
rated when the voltage at the heads of the bulk capaci-
tors does not reach the threshold for the operation of the
inverter (internal unchangeable threshold).
• Raise the value of the activation voltage (Vstart) so as to have
sufficient power from the PV generator at the time of the inver
ter's grid connection.
• Check the
input voltage on the inverter.
- If it does not exceed Vstart, check for the presence of suffi
cient irradiation and the correct composition of the system.
- If it exceeds Vstart, contact customer assistance
- W012
- Batt. Flat
Yellow LED
*not visualised on di-
Battery flat:
The inverter displays the “Battery flat” message when it
records a voltage for the buffer battery which is too low.
• Check that the date/time are set correctly and, if they are not,
set them.
Subsequently arrange to completely switch off the inverter (on
both AC and DC) and wait a few minutes.
Finally, restart the inverter and check whether the date/time are
now correctly set or whether they have reset to 01/01/2000. In this
case replace the battery with the inverter completely switched off
(section AC and DC side) being careful to maintain the polarity
- W013
- Clock broken
Yellow LED
*not visualised on di-
Clock broken:
The alarm occurs when there is a difference of over 1
minute in the time displayed compared to the internal
time of the microprocessors and indicates a malfunction
of the clock circuit.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the alarm repeats persistently, contact customer assistance.
- W017*
- String Err.
Yellow LED lamp.
* (only for models with
monitored string fuses)
Error recorded in measuring string currents:
Damaged string protection fuse(s)
• Check with a multimeter the state of the
fuses (positioned on
the fuse boards).
- If one or more fuses is open, arrange to replace them and check
that the input current on the string(s) does not exceed the rating
of the fuses (should parallel strings have been made outside the
- If there are no damaged string fuses and the inverter continues
to show the alarm message check whether the settings to be
made through the Aurora Manager software are correct (presen-
ce or absence of one or more input strings).
- W018
- SPD DC Err
Yellow LED lamp.
* (only for models with
monitored SPD)
Intervention of overvoltage surge arresters on DC
Damaged overvoltage surge arresters positioned on DC
• Observe the inspection window on each surge arrester (DC
side). If it is red, the surge arrester is damaged and the cartridge
must be replaced.
- If the alarm status persists, even if all the surge arresters have a
green inspection window, contact customer assistance.
- W019
- SPD AC Err
Yellow LED lamp.
* (only for models with
monitored SPD)
Intervention of overvoltage surge arresters on AC
Damaged overvoltage surge arresters positioned on AC
• Observe the inspection window on each surge arrester (AC
side). If it is red, the surge arrester is damaged and the cartridge
must be replaced.
- If the alarm status persists, even if all the surge arresters have a
green inspection window, contact customer assistance.
- W022 *
- Reactive power mode
*not visualised on di-
Variation in means of managing reactive power:
Variation in the means of managing reactive power; this
change can be made through the display or advanced
configuration software.
The variation in the means of managing reactive power is done
directly by the customer/installer and is not an error. The informa-
tion is only saved on the historic record of the events memorised
by the inverter
- W023 *
- date/time changed
*not visualised on di-
Variation in the inverter's date and time:
Variation of the inverter's date and time; this change can
be made through the display or advanced configuration
The variation in the inverter's date and time is done directly by the
customer/installer and is not an error. The information is only sa-
ved on the historic record of the events memorised by the inverter
- W024 *
- Energy data reset
*not visualised on di-
Zeroing of the statistical energy data memorised in
Reset of the energy data saved in the inverter; this ope-
ration can be handled through the display or advanced
configuration software.
The zeroing of the partial energy values memorised by the inver
ter is done directly by the customer/installer and is not an error.
The information is only saved on the historic record of the events
memorised by the inverter
• The notice may also occur on substitution of the Memory Card
where the statistical production data is saved