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8 - Maintenance
egistration on “Registration” website and calculation of second-
level password (Service Menu)
In order to obtain the second-level password needed to access the in-
verter's service menu, it is necessary to go through the following stages:
Stage 1 - Collection of information relating to the inverter.
Collect the following information relating to each inverter for which you
wish to have a password:
- Serial number of the inverter. This information can be found on the
label giving the identity details of the inverter or on the display by acces-
sing the “INFORMATION" menu"→Serial No.”
The serial number consists of 6 digits (the last 6 in models with a label
giving a 10-digit S/N)
- Production week. This information can be found on the label gi-
ving the identity details of the inverter or on the display by accessing the
“INFORMATION" menu→Serial No.”
The production week consists of 4 figures, indicating the week (first 2
digits) and the year of production (last 2 digits)
Update Version
- This information is available only for some inver-
ter models and can be found on the display by accessing the menu
- Go online and access https://registration.abbsolarinverters.com
- Set the desired language and click on the specific icon to start registra
- Insert the personal data requested and end the registration stage
- An email will be sent to the email address used with a link to complete
the registration process.
- Once the registration process is over, a further email will be sent with
the password to access the website.
The password obtained enables access also to the advanced “Installer” mode present on
the configuration software for inverters. The configuration software can be downloaded in a
specific section of the website
Password 2°level
Password 0000