- 102 -
8 - Maintenance
- Code on display
- Error message
- Signal
Name of Alarm and Cause
- E021
- Self Test Error 2
Yellow LED
Failure of the test on the inverter's relay (DC-AC cir-
Before connecting to the grid the inverter carries out in-
ternal tests. One of these tests concerns the correct ope-
ration of the inverter relay. The test is carried out by “for-
cing” the switching of the relay and checking its operation.
The error is generated if a problem is found in actioning
the relay.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
By its nature, the alarm only occurs prior to connection to the grid
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
- E022
- Self Test Error 4
Yellow LED
Timeout of the tests undertaken on the relays inside
the inverter:
Execution time for the self-test carried out on the relay
of the DC_AC (inverter) circuit too high. It may indicate a
problem connected to the aforementioned relays
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
- E023
- DC in error
Yellow LED
Feeding of continuous current to grid outside of ran-
The error is generated if the continuous component of
the current supplied to the grid exceeds the threshold of
0.5% of the normal operating current.
In any case the inverter is not blocked due to the E023
error, but tries to reconnect to the grid.
The sporadic repetition of the error is a sign of serious
grid distortions or sharp irradiation changes, while sy-
stematic repetition of the error signal will indicate a bre-
akdown on the inverter
Once the error occurs, the inverter tries to return to normal ope-
- Should the error occur sporadically, it may be caused by a bru-
sque transition of the grid voltage or of the input voltage, but is
not due to a malfunction by the inverter.
- If the error is connected to an internal breakdown, it will continue
to appear and so it is necessary to contact customer assistance.
- E024
- Internal error
Yellow LED
Error inside the inverter:
Error inside the inverter
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
nor) persists, contact customer assistance.
- E025*
- Riso Low
Yellow LED
*not visualised on di-
Low value of insulation resistance:
Before connecting to the grid the inverter measures the
insulation resistance of the PV generator compared to
ground. Should the measurement of the insulation resi-
stance be below 1Mohm, the inverter does not connect
to the grid and shows the “Riso Low” error. The causes
may be:
- PV panel(s) damaged;
- Junction box(es) of the panels not correctly sealed, so
as to permit infiltration by water and/or
- Problems in connections between panels (not perfectly
- Poor quality of cable joints;
- Presence in the DC section of unsuitable or damaged
overvoltage surge arresters outside the inverter (redu-
ced ignition voltage compared to the characteristics of
the strings of the PV generator);
- Presence of humidity inside any junction box
• Measure the
insulation resistance using a megohmmeter posi-
tioned in the photovoltaic field (positive terminal short-circuited
at the negative pole) compared to ground. The measurement is
strongly influenced by the environmental conditions, so must be
made under the same conditions in which the error occurred.
- If the value measured is lower than 1 megaohm, a check must
be carried out by a technician/installer on the photovoltaic gene-
rator to identify and eliminate the problem.
- If the value measured is higher than 1 megaohm and the error
signal persists, contact customer assistance.
- E026
- Vref Error
Yellow LED
Internal reference voltage outside of range:
Wrong measurement of reference voltage inside inverter
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
- E027
- Error Meas V
Yellow LED
Grid voltage outside of range:
Error in the internal measurement of grid voltage (set by
law) in order to have a redundant measurement (2 mea-
surements on the same parameter made by two different
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
- E028
- Error Meas F
Yellow LED
Grid frequency outside of range:
Error in the internal measurement of
grid frequency
(set by law) in order to have a redundant
measurement (2 measurements on the
same parameter made by two different cir-
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.
- E029
- Mid Bulk OV
Yellow LED
Internal over voltage on the measurement of the
“Mid bulk”:
Error internal to the inverter (only triphase models)
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem (once the inverter has been switched off and back
on) persists, contact customer assistance.