The extension of the exported project file is .pcmp. The files are only used for
exporting and importing projects between PCM600s.
Technical key
Both a physical IED and an IED object in PCM600 have a technical key. The technical
key in the protection relay and PCM600 must be the same, otherwise it is not possible
to download a configuration.
Each IED in a PCM600 project and in an entire substation must have a unique
technical key. Therefore, it is not possible to set the same technical key for several
IEDs in the same PCM600 project.
The protection relay is delivered with a factory default technical key.
The validation of the technical keys between PCM600 and the
protection relay does not occur if the protection relay contains the
factory default technical key.
The technical key property in PCM600 corresponds to the IED name
attribute in SCL files. Avoid changing the IED name attribute outside
PCM600, because data in PCM600 may get lost when importing the
SCL files.
When writing a configuration to the protection relay, PCM600 checks for a mismatch
between the IED object and the physical IED technical key. The technical key can be
read from the protection relay and updated to PCM600, or the PCM600 technical key
can be written to the protection relay. Alternatively, a user-defined technical key can
be defined.
GUID-D5D5AF18-FBCC-47BC-93A3-958AE25DBA27 V1 EN
Figure 7:
Reboot suggestion
Ensure that the IED object in PCM600 has the same IP address as the
physical IED to be connected through the technical key.
Section 3
1MRS759117 A
Engineering Manual