User Manual
The PCS100 UPS-I systems supplied by ABB include one of the following energy storage systems:
Ultracapacitors or
Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries.
Ultracapacitor Energy Storage (ECxx in PCS100 UPS-I model code) is ideal for protecting the load from frequent
sags, swells and short-term outages or to bridge the switching time to another feeder.
Battery Energy Storage (EBxx in PCS100 UPS-I model code) is typically used to bridge start-up time for generator
backup systems where critical applications may be subject to longer supply outages.
The amount of energy storage required depends on the load kW rating, and autonomy period (seconds). The
autonomy period is the period of time the PCS100 UPS-I can supply rated load from its energy storage. The
required number of enclosures increases with the PCS100 UPS-I rating and autonomy period. Each energy storage
enclosure includes its own DC circuit protection.
Ultracapacitor Energy Storage
Ultracapacitor Energy Storage consists of one or more 300 kW Ultracapacitor strings. One 300 kW string consists
of multiple Ultracapacitor modules connected in series to a voltage of 750 VDC. Multiple strings are connected in
parallel for increased kW or autonomy (ride through) time. The autonomy time is typically 2 to 3 seconds at rated
kVA and 0.8 PF when the Ultracapacitors are new. Some models have different autonomy due to storage medium
rationalization. One Ultracapacitor enclosure can contain 1 or 2 Ultracapacitor strings. Each string is protected by
its own main DC circuit breaker and separate charger fuses.
The number of the series connected Ultracapacitor modules in single Ultracapacitor string depends on which
Ultracapacitor module type is used..
ABB Ultracapacitor Energy Storage module types available are:
Modules per string
Module Overvoltage
Module Over c monitoring
LS Mtron
46.9 V
Table 6
1: Ultracapacitor module types overview
Single string maximum rating is 300 kW for 2 seconds when the Ultracapacitors are new
Multiple Ultracapacitors are connected in series to form a 750 VDC string (+/- 375VDC)
1 or 2 strings per enclosure, each individually protected
Design life: 15 years @ 25º C
Very high cycle life: >500,000
High discharge efficiency
Ultracapacitor module balancing
Extensive monitoring and protection
Safe and compact matching enclosure
Very low maintenance
Very small footprint