MR Series FT-Spectroradiometers
a. Software installation
Research Acquire requires an IBM compatible computer running DOS 5 or later. It must have a minimum of 4
megabytes of free RAM and at least 10 megabytes of disk space. It will also run under Windows 3.x and
Windows 9x as a DOS program. If ABB supplied your computer, Research Acquire was preinstalled at the
factory. Otherwise, install the software by inserting the distribution diskette into the floppy disk drive and
Under Windows use the Run command to run install.
This will bring up a dialog box that prompts for an installation directory and an instrument type (see figure 1).
Figure 1 Install screen for Research Acquire
By default the install program will install the software into C: \ACQUIRE but this can be changed to install the
software in any directory on the computer. The install pro gram also needs to know what kind of instrument will
be running with Research Acquire in order to correctly configure the software
; use No Instrument on computers
that are only going to be used for post processing and not for data acquisition.
Once the tw o fields are correctly set, press
to start the installation process. The installation process will
take a few minutes; progress will be reported by a bar graph.
Once the installation is completed the software can be run at any time by typing:
The program will load and after a few seconds the instrument initialisation screen will appear followed after a
short pause by the start-up screen. These screens will look like figures 2 and 3.
The settings can be changed at a latter time by editing the config file (see next section ).