J DF 3 0 0 |
FI EL D I N D I C ATO R | O I/J D F 3 0 0 - EN R E V. B
Possible Reasons
OUT Status
Block Configuration error
SELECT_TYPE = 0 (uninitialized)
BAD + Out Of Service
See Note A
Input Failure/process variable has
BAD status
SELECT_TYPE = AVERAGE and at least one IN is BAD
BAD + non specific
The Actual_Mode is OUT OF SERVICE
BAD + Out Of Service
The specific block cannot be switched out from OUT OF SERVICE due to the Configuration Error. The Bad-Configuration Error Status
is overridden by the Bad-Out Of Service Status.
OUT Status
When in AUTO mode the OUT reflects the Value and Status of the selected input (IN_x).
If there are no inputs used, or the number of inputs with GOOD status is less than the MIN_GOOD value, the OUT status shall be
BAD-Non Specific.
The SELECTED output shall have Good(NC) status, unless the block is out of service.
With the STATUS_OPTS it is possible selects the following options:
• Use Uncertain as Good
: Set the IS_OUT status to Good when the Selected Input Status is Uncertain
• Uncertain if Manual Mode
: The Status of the IS_OUT is set to Uncertain when the Mode is set to Manual
Possible cause
The Block cannot be
removed from OOS mode
The Target Mode is not set to AUTO
Set the Target Mode to AUTO and/or remove the OOS
The Configuration Error bit is set in the BLOCK_ERR
Set the SELECT_TYPE with a valid value. It must be
different from 0 and in the range 1 – 5
The RESOURCE BLOCK is not in AUTO mode
Set the Target Mode of the RESOURCE BLOCK to AUTO
The Block is not scheduled
Design the FB Application correctly and download it to the
The OUT Status is BAD
All the Inputs have a BAD status
Check the upstream blocks
The number of inputs with GOOD status is less than the
MIN_GOOD value
The OP_SELECT is different from 0 and force in output
and Input with BAD status
The SELECT_TYPE = AVERAGE and at least one Input has
Status BAD
The OUT Status has the Limit
bits (0, 1) set to Constant
The Actual Mode is set to MAN
Set the Target Mode to AUTO
The FEATURE_SEL has not the Reports bit Set
Set the REPORTS bit in the FEATURE_SEL of the