ABB i-bus
48 9AKK108467A5941 Rev. B | MG/S | EN | Product Manual
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This parameter is used to define the format of the Modbus register data.
If the function code (Read or Write) refers to coils or discrete inputs, the
is automatically set to "–".
The parameter can no longer be adjusted. The only situation where all options are available is for function
codes referring to registers.
0: Unsigned
1: Signed (C2)
2: Signed (C1)
3: Float
4: BitFields
Prerequisites for visibility
This parameter is in the
Config Device x
parameter window.
Byte Order
This parameter is used to define the order in which the bytes are shown.
If the function code (Read or Write) refers to coils or discrete inputs, the byte order is automatically set to
"–". The parameter can no longer be adjusted. The only situation where all options are available is for
function codes referring to registers.
0: Big Endian
High byte first
1: Little Endian
Low byte first
2: Word Inv BE
High word first
3: Word Inv LE
Low word first
Prerequisites for visibility
This parameter is in the
Config Device x
parameter window.