ABB i-bus
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Product Manual | EN | MG/S | 9AKK108467A5941 Rev. B 25
'Alt + left arrow' jumps to the previous view/page
1. Select the manufacturer and device (model).
2. Click "Load" to import the required template.
3. Optional: Online templates can also be saved locally using the "Export" button.
More templates will be added to the database in due course.
The connection to the database is made via an https website that uses Port 443.
Please contact ABB if you have any further questions about the database.
After importing the template from local storage or from the database, the following window appears:
All the previously assigned data points from the imported template are listed. You can activate or
deactivate data points by selecting them manually ("Active" checkbox).
The gateway will then create a new device that only includes the active data points.
Additional relevant information is listed in the lower part of the window:
Template selected Data Points: number of activated data points
Manufacturer: template manufacturer
Device Name: device name given to the template by the manufacturer
Server Address: shows the first free server address
Total Gateway Data Points: number of activated data points. If you activate more than
100 data points, a message appears.