The applications can be organized into groups.
IED product engineering
IED communication engineering per protocol
IED system monitoring
IED product diagnostic
For more information, see PCM600 documentation.
Connectivity packages
Connectivity package is a collection of software and information related to a
specific protection and control terminal providing system products and tools to
connect and interact with the IED. Connectivity packages are used to create
configuration structures in PCM600. The latest PCM600 and connectivity packages
are backward compatible with older IED versions.
Update Manager is a tool that helps in defining the right connectivity package
versions for different system products and tools. Update Manager is included in
products supporting the connectivity concept.
In addition to other products supporting the connectivity concept, the connectivity
packages for PCM600 contain a description of IED's internal parameters and their
properties (such as data format, unit, setting range, visibility and access rights) as
well as software components that adapt the IED-specific interfaces to the standard
interfaces of system products and tools, such as IED-specific dispatchers for tools.
This means that there is a protocol-specific adaptation for the parameter setting and
disturbance handling tool components, for example, disturbance uploading
according to COMTRADE. The description texts can be translated into other
languages as well.
PCM600 and IED connectivity package version
Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600 Ver. 2.4 or later
RBX615 Connectivity Package Ver. 2.0 or later
Download connectivity packages from the ABB web site
Section 3
1MRS757255 B
PCM600 tool
Breaker Integrated Protection RBX615
Engineering Guide