Manual for Induction Motors and Generators
36 -
Mechanical and Electrical Connections
3BFP 000 050 R0101 REV E
Chapter 4 Mechanical and Electrical Connections
4.1 General
Mechanical and electrical connections are made after the installation and alignment procedures.
The mechanical connections include the connection of air ducts, water tubes and/or oil supply
system where applicable.
The electrical connections include the connection of main and auxiliary cables, earthing cables
and possible external blower motors.
In order to determine proper actions, please read the Dimensional Drawing, the Connection
Diagram and the Data Sheet provided with the machine.
NOTE: Additional installation holes or threads should never be drilled through the frame, as
this may damage the machine.
4.2 Mechanical connections
***Following chapter for cooling method: Ducted air
4.2.1 Cooling air connections
Machines designed for cooling airflow to and/or from the machine with air ducts have
connection flanges as specified in the dimensional drawing.
Clean the air ducts thoroughly before connecting them to the machine, and check for possible
obstructions in the ducts. Seal the joints with appropriate gaskets. Check for possible leaks in
the air ducts after they have been connected.
***Following chapter for cooling method: Air-to-water, and water jacket
4.2.2 Cooling water connections
***Following chapter for cooling method: Air-to-water Air-to-water coolers
Machines equipped with an air-to-water heat exchanger have flanges specified in standards DIN
633 or ANSI B 16.5. Connect the flanges and seal the joints with appropriate gaskets. Prior to
starting the machine, the water has to be turned on.
***Following chapter for cooling method: Water jacket Water cooled frames
Steel frame water-cooled construction is only to be used with a closed fresh water circulation.
The water cooling circuit flanges are made according to the customer's specifications, and are
defined on the dimensional drawing.