● Export and import interfaces for devices, signals, applications, visualization, etc.
● Multi-user support and project compare
● Project scripting
IEC 61131-3 commands can be simulated without a PLC being connected, including the rele-
vant malfunctions. After the program test, the application can be downloaded to the control
Timing diagrams for process variables and storage of data in a circular buffer with event trigger.
Values of selected variables are displayed. Pre-defined values can be assigned to variables
which can then be downloaded to the control system all at once ("Write recipe"). Actual values
from the control system can also be pre-assigned for reading into the Watch and Recipe
Manager, and stored in memory there ("Read recipe"). These functions are also helpful, for
example, for setting and entering control parameters.
Includes color change, moving elements, bitmaps, text display, allows input of setpoint values
and display of process variables read from the PLC, dynamic bar diagrams, alarm and event
management, function keys and ActiveX elements.
The Ethernet interface of the processor modules is used to connect to the engineering software
for programming, debugging and diagnosis.
Provides access from the programming system to an external project database in which the
program source code of one or several automation projects is managed. Optionally, a version
control system can be used in order to ensure data consistency of the program code for several
different users and projects.
Offline simula-
Sampling trace
Recipe manage-
ment and watch
System overview
Automation Builder: Short description engineering software
3ADR011074, 1, en_US