● STOP -> RUN means short pressing the RUN function key on the PLC while the PLC
is in STOP mode (AC500 PLC display "StoP", AC500-eCo "RUN LED" is ON). "RUN
LED" is OFF of the toggle switch of an AC500-eCo CPU.
● If a user program is loaded into RAM, execution is continued, i.e., variables will not be
set to their initialization values.
● The AC500 PLC display changes from "StoP" to "run", AC500-eCo "RUN LED"
changes from OFF to ON.
● STOP -> START means continuing the execution of the user program in the PLC's
RAM using the menu item "Online/Start" in the programming system.
● If a user program is loaded into RAM, execution is continued, i.e., variables will not be
set to their initialization values.
● The AC500 PLC display changes from "StoP" to "run", AC500-eCo PLC "RUN LED"
changes from OFF to ON.
Warm start
● A warm start is performed by switching power OFF/ON with a battery connected.
● All RAM memory modules are checked and erased except of the buffered operand
areas and the RETAIN variables.
● If there is a user program stored in the Flash EPROM, it is loaded into RAM.
● The default operating modes set by the PLC configuration are applied.
3ADR011074, 1, en_US