● DX581-S
● AI581-S
● TU582-S
3.7 CP600 control panels
The CP600-eCo, CP600 and CP600-Pro control panels offer a wide range of features and
functionalities for tailor-made visualization. Our CP600 platform offers different performance
levels including control panels for economic applications, robust standard operator panels, high
end multi-touch human machine interfaces (HMIs).
The easy to use engineering tool PB610 Panel Builder 600, part of Automation Builder, ensures
easy scalability on the CP600 platform.
● CP600-eCo: The economical CP600-eCo control panel, with screen sizes from 4.3” to 10.1”
widescreen, is aimed for standard functions and high usability for clear interaction with the
operation process.
● CP600: The robust CP600 HMI, with screen sizes from 7” to 15” provides up-to-date visual-
ization performance, versatile communication and representative design for machines and
● CP600-Pro: The CP600-Pro HMI, with screen sizes from 5” to 21.5” widescreen, comes
with high end visualization performance, multi-touch operation and versatile communication
3.8 Automation Builder: Short description engineering software
Details about the Automation Builder license model, the features of the editions and the latest
Configuration and programming of all AC500 control systems (processor modules) is done by
using Automation Builder software.
● Standardized programming according to IEC 61131-3, five programming languages (Struc-
tured Text (ST), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Instruction List (IL), Ladder Diagram (LD),
Sequential Function Chart (SFC)), Continuous Function Chart (CFC), debugging functions
for program test
● Online diagnosis
● Debugging functions for the program test: Single step, single cycle, breakpoint
● Offline simulation - simulate commands without PLC being connected
● Sampling trace - timing diagrams for process variables
● Recipe management and watch lists
● Visualization
● Configuration of the communication interface modules (for PROFINET, PROFIBUS,
EtherCAT, CANopen, Ethernet, Modbus)
● Programming - serial or via Ethernet networks
● Comprehensive libraries
CP600 control
panels platform
and program-
System overview
Automation Builder: Short description engineering software
3ADR011074, 1, en_US