1MAC052634-MB D
Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation
615/620 series ANSI
Communication Protocol Manual
Control operations through 4X register structures
The control outputs can be operated through the control structures in the 4X register area.
This means that the control output is also located as a bit within the value and bit mask
registers of the 4X control structure. Although usually less, there may be up to eight
control structures defined in the IED.
The control structure operations can be controlled with passwords. As a default, no
passwords exist for the structures. Any four character ASCII string can be used as a
password. The password string “****” with four asterisks, that is ASCII code 42, indicates
that a password is not used.
Table 12:
Single control structure
With the control operations the client must assemble the control structure register values
and write them into the IED.
Execute register
Control step (select, execute or cancel) is executed when value “1” is written into this
Password register 1
If a password is defined, the two first ASCII characters of the four character password are
written into this register: the first character into the higher byte and the second character
into the lower byte of the register. If no password is defined for the control structure, this
register is not checked by the IED.
Password register 2
If a password is defined, the two last ASCII characters of the four character password are
written into this register: the third character into the higher byte and the fourth character
into the lower byte of the register. If no password is defined for the control structure, this
register is not checked by the IED.
Control register
Set the register bit corresponding to the output to the proper write value. For pulse type
outputs the value is always “1”.
Confirmation register
Set the register bit corresponding to the object to be operated to “1”. All other bits must be
set to zero.
4x Reg N
Execute register
4x Reg N+1
Password register 1 high, two ASCII characters
4x Reg N+2
Password register 2 low, two ASCII characters
4x Reg N+3
Control register
4x Reg N+4
Confirmation register