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Running a Test
The VETSCAN SA and UA analyzers can be connected together to produce a full urinalysis
report. The SA analyzer becomes the urinalysis workstation where all data entry will take place
and sample runs are initiated.
Follow on-screen instructions. Patient ID, Species and Test Type are minimum required selections
before the Run button is enabled. These required inputs are locked at the time the Run button
is clicked and may not be changed during and after the measurement. All other inputs are
optional and may be edited or entered after the test has been completed. Once a test begins,
the measurement cannot be canceled.
There are three test workflows that can be initiated on the VETSCAN SA, two of which require
a VETSCAN UA connected to the SA. Since there are two strip types (UA10 and UA14) on the
VETSCAN UA, five unique Test Types can be selected.
Analyzers used
Test Workflow (3)
SA+UA test
SA only test
UA only test
Test Type (5)
SA+UA10, SA+UA14
UA10, UA14
See Appendix I for details on Gross Examination, Specific Gravity, and Dilution fields.
If a SA+UA test is selected, always start the SA test first. Each of the three test workflows are
detailed below.