20 User Guide for the Platinum Series Sound Processor
User Guide for the Platinum Series Sound Processor 21
Other Battery-Powered Audio Input Devices
In addition to the accessories that are provided with the your processor, you may
want to use other external audio input devices . The same auxiliary jack that is used
for the auxiliary microphone or telephone adapter can be used for other battery-
powered external audio input sources such as FM systems or MP3 players . Consult
with your audiologist regarding which program position should be used with auxiliary
audio input devices .
Only plug battery operated devices into the auxiliary jack. Do not
use with devices that are running on AC power and are connected
to the wall outlet power supply unless you are using an appropriate
patch cable. Patch cables contain special electronic components.
A patch cable was not included in your kit. Interfacing to a device
plugged directly into an electrical outlet, such as a television,
could result in damage to your processor and also could deliver
unpleasant sensations or sounds to you.
Please contact AB prior to using such a device to determine if you
have the appropriate cables and connectors and that the device
in question is compatible with your system.
Telephone Adapter
The telephone adapter provides an alternative to placing the telephone receiver next
to the microphone of the headpiece or auxiliary microphone .
Figure 21: Telephone Adapter .
Set up the telephone adapter as follows:
• Unplug the handset cord from the telephone base.
• Plug the short cord into the handset jack on the telephone base.
• Mount the unit in a convenient location with the adhesive pad.
• Plug the handset into the modular jack on the telephone adapter.
To use the telephone adapter, plug the long gray cable into the auxiliary jack on the
side of the processor . Adjust your volume and sensitivity controls as needed .
NOTE: Only use the telephone adapter with phones that have the dial pad in
the base. The adapter will not work with phones that have the dial pad
in the handset.
Microphone Tester Earphones
The headpiece microphone tester earphones allow a subjective listening assessment
of the quality of the sound as it is received by the headpiece microphone . Intermit-
tencies in the headpiece cable can also be detected .
To use the microphone tester earphones, turn the program switch on the processor
to the microphone tester ( ) position, plug connector of the earphones into the
auxiliary jack on the side of the processor and place the earphones over your ears .
NOTE: Using the microphone tester earphones will disable the green LED, and
the patient will not be able to hear through his/her cochlear implant
system. The microphone tester earphones are provided in the pediatric
Platinum Series Sound Processor Kit or may be purchased through AB.
The microphone test should only be performed using the earphones sup-
plied by AB to help ensure accurate sound evaluation.