DBC 422
DBC 425
1531-DBC 422 02 Uen B3 2013-12-02
The files according to section, see 7.7 SW loading on page 22, must be
stored on the server. The file names must be according to what is
described below, 7.9.3 Directory structure on page 25.
When storing the files on the software server, make sure that the
files are transferred in binary mode, otherwise extra bytes can be
modified by the transfer tool and the size be changed. In this case
the telephone will not load the file.
7.9.3 Directory
The directory structure under the http root directory must be created, see
figure 39 Directory structure using domain names on page 26. When
several different configuration files must be used for different groups of
phones where each group is a member of a specific domain, the struc-
ture with different domain names are used. In this case the configuration
files have the same name although they have different contents to define
characteristics for the different groups of phones.
The domain name is described above, see 7.8 Several configuration
files on page 22.
It is only the configuration file, and not the application and boot, that
needs to be stored under each domain directory name.
If the phones do not find any configuration file in a domain directory, the
file in the directory
web-server root/dbc42x02
is used.
The application, boot and language files are stored in the