1531-DBC 422 02 Uen B3 2013-12-02
To change the configuration of the phone
Methods to change the configuration
It is possible to change the configuration in the phone by:
The menus, see directions for use for each platform.
The web interface, see directions for use for each platform.
The configuration file. The configuration file is read by the phone
when it is rebooted, either by an order from the PBX or manually or
via the web interface, see 7.28 Restart and reboot of the phone on
page 65.
The phones can fetch the configuration file from the SW-server
every 24:the hour and this option is enabled via a parameter in the
configuration file.
Log on / Log off options
The following options exist:
Log off allowed.
The end-user is allowed to log on and log off the
phone. This is the default and most common option. It is possible
to force all the telephones to log off at a certain time each 24 hour
period, but only when the log off option is defined via the configura-
tion file, see Set the log off restriction option in the config-
uration file on page 69.
Default number used
. The phone is always logged on with a
default number. The
log off
soft-key is not shown and the end-user
cannot log on or off. This option can be used for phones in confer-
ence rooms, receptions etc. The default number must have an
associated password to avoid logging off by mistake from an other
terminal. If the terminal is logged on when option 2 is set, the
current number will be the default number. If the phone is logged
off, after exiting the
menu, the system administrator will
be prompted to enter the number to be used as the default number.
Permit individual log on.
The phone is always logged on, with a
default number, as in option above but the end-user can log on with
his/her individual number and get the personal categories. This
option can be used in a free seating environment. When the
end-user logs off the individual number, the phone registers auto-
matically with the default number. The same if the end-user logs on
with the individual number from an other terminal. If the end-user
forgets to log off, the phone will log off the individual number and
will log on with the default number during the night.