New Features in Release 3.0.1
RN-001037-00 Rev 02, Release 3.0.1
SIP IP Phone Model 6739i Release Note 3.0.1
Support for the AastraIPPhoneFormattedTextScreen Object
object allows you to specify a format for the text that
displays on the LCD screen on the phone. Using this object, you can specify the following for the
text that displays:
alignment (using the "
" attribute and specifying right, left, or center)
text size (using the "
" attribute and specifying the font size which can be small, normal,
double or large)
text color (using the "
" attribute and specifying the color name)
display type (using the "
" or "
" attributes to specify static or scrolling)
The following is an example of using the AastraIPPhoneFormattedTextScreen object with a static
line at the top and bottom blocks and two scrolling lines in the middle block.
<Line Size="large" Align="center" Color="red">A line of static text</Line>
<Line Align="right"> Scrolling text</Line>
<Line>Another line of Scrolling Text</Line>
<Line>Yet another scrolling line</Line>
<Line Size="double" Align="center" Color="blue">Some static footer text</
For more information about the XML API objects, see Aastra's XML Developers Guide.
The AastraIPPhoneFormattedTextScreen object on the 6739i is now equivalent
to the AastraIPPhoneFormattedTextScreen feature in Release 2.5.x firmware. Only the
capability to set the text color is specific to the 6739i.
Fri No v 6
9:3 0am
A lin e o f st a t ic t ex t
Scr ollin g t ex t
Ano th er line of Sc r oll in g Tex t
Yet an ot her scr ollin g line
Som e st at ic foot er t ex t