HW V4 / © 2005 – 2013 Aaronia AG, DE-54597 Strickscheid
Manual Spectran V4
First measurement
Attention: During audio analysis, the complete display is „frozen“ and the pixel
display is turned off to free up enough CPU power for demodulation. Hence,
only an acoustic reproduction takes place.
To switch between AM and FM, please use the dot key. To
change to PM, please activate this feature by using the menu
and select “Demod”.
Volume can be adjusted with the volume contro on the left..
In contrast to simple broadband detectors, Spectran performs
demodulation only at a certain single frequency (center
frequency). Hence, you can selectively “monitor” very narrow,
limited frequency ranges. Please note though that in this
mode. Filtering is a bit less effective, which might lead to very
strong neighboring signals also being audible on the actually
selected frequency.