HW V4 / © 2005 – 2013 Aaronia AG, DE-54597 Strickscheid
Manual Spectran V4
First measurement
In our fictional example, the bargraph display shows
approximation to the international ICNIRP limit by 0.06 %. As
you can see, with this exposure limit, even a relatively
“strong” signal of -45dBm only generates a few hundredth of a
percent (namely 0.06 %) of “deflection”.
However, if you change to one of the Salzburg limits, the unit
will quickly indicate even excess of the exposure limit. When
exceeding a limit, the display shows percentages above
100 % (for example 128.00 = excess of exposure limit by
28 %).
When the percentage is greater than 999.99 %, “***.**“ is
displayed. This indicates overflow.
Please note that the values in the graphic display can slightly
change even if the dBm value on the main display is stable,
as internally, Spectran also uses the non-visible fractions of
the main display value to calculate the figures related to
exposure limits.
TIP: You can download new and/or updated exposure limits (which are constantly
updated due to changed legal situations) from our homepage and keep Spectran up-
to-date at all times. You should also check out our PC analysis software, which offers
a whole range of additional features and exposure limits.
Operation mode Audio-output (demodulation)
The Display mode status field shows „AM” or „FM“.
All Spectran models offer a so-called demodulator. The
demodulator makes pulsing and modulation of a signal source
audible (if it exists).
The frequency-exact, selective acoustic reproduction of a
signal can be very helpful with identifying and finding a signal
source. As demodulation takes place in real-time, it is also
perfectly suited for quickly locating a signal source.
Spectran offers the following demodulation modes:
AM = amplitude modulation
FM = frequency modulation
PM = phase modulation