For [COFDM] (DVB-T) output you
can select Output channel (E2 to
E69) or Frequency and Output
signal attenuation (0 to -31dB).
You can also select bandwidth (6,7
or 8 MHz). The maximum output
TS bit rate in COFDM is 31,67
Mbps. Click [Set] to save settings.
Click [Service management] to
select service(s) and or create new
4. Settings (continued)
4.3.5 Service Management
The Service management menu
gives an overview of available
services from satellite or the ASI
input (if enabled). Remultiplexing
(remuxing) is possible after
downloading an appropriate SW
option. To build your own MUX
you combine several incoming
services. These can be received
either from the tuner or from the
ASI in. Under the [Digital output]
section in this menu you can see
the actual (instantaneous)
“Outgoing data rate”. This helps
you to avoid overload for the
output (see section 5 for