Example 2:
Ti = 20,0 ºC
Max = 100%
d = 0,9 ºC
hysteresis = 0,4 ºC
(hysteresis can vary between 0,1ºC e diff / 2 = 0,4 ºC)
When Ta ≥ 20ºC then P = 0, and the generators are
turned off.
A restart occurs if Ta ≤ (Ti – hysteresis) = 19,6 ºC;
in particular if 19,1 ºC < Ta ≤ 19,6 ºC then P = ( 100 / 0,9) x
( 20 – Ta ) %, while if Ta ≤ 19,1 ºC then P = 100%.
The submenu “PARAMETERS MENU” allows you to
remotely manage the hot air generators.
Pushing the ↓ and ↑ buttons, you scroll through the
various items.
The first item, very important, allows you to view and set
the parameters on the remote system.
Pushing OK, you activate the first page of reading
As shown in the above page, in case of lock of a
generator, it is possible to send a request for remote
Since this is a safety function, the unlocking of the
generator can take place only with the consent of the
safety logic control board.
Selecting the third option you can operate on TSP
(Transparent Slave Parameter).
The chronothermostat makes available the function of
reading and writing of TSP.
To change a TSP, you must select the index “idx” desired,
using the ↑ and ↓ keys, and push the SET button.
After that following screen appears, where you can
enter, with the + and - buttons, the desired value.
In the event, that the board does not include the writing
of this TSP (read only) the changes made to it will have
no effect.
The number of TSP depends on the control board of the
slave (hot air generator), the chronothermostat will
support a maximum of 255.
The fourth option, of the “MENU PARAMETERS”, if
available, allows you to enter the temperature Tset:
To change a parameter, you must navigate to the
settings page with keys ↑ and ↓, and pushing the
SET button you can enter with the + and - buttons the
selected value between the minimum and maximum,
shown in brackets.
For information about the meaning of the parameters,
please refer to the technical documentation of the
control board of the hot air generators connected to
the chronothermostat.
The second item on the “PARAMETER MENU” allows
you to use the unlock command.