vent connectIons to Blower asseMBlY
Figure 15 shows the typical vent connections.
fIGure 15.
ventInG and InstallatIon
Plan the layout of the vent system from the vent termination to the water
heater considering all of the 90° and 45° elbows plus the number of feet
of pipe that would be needed to install the total vent system. The water
heater must be vented to the outdoors as described in these instructions.
DO NOT connect this water heater to an existing vent or chimney. It
must be vented separately from all other appliances. The fittings, other
than the supplied Vent Termination should be equivalent to the following:
PVC (Schedule 40, DWV, ASTM D-2665), CPVC (Schedule 40, DWV,
ASTM F-438), ABS (Schedule 40 DWV, ASTM D-2661).
The cement used should be as recommended by the vent
pipe manufacturer. See the instructions in the “VENT PIPE
PREPARATION” section of this manual for the proper method of
cutting and cementing the PVC pipe and fittings.
All vent gases must be completely vented to the outdoors of the
structure (dwelling). When determining the installation location for
a power direct vent water heater, snow accumulation and drifting
should be considered in areas where applicable.