fIGure 7.
vent terMInatIon clearances
wIre fence
When the water heater outlet terminal is low enough to be touched
accidentally, or is accessible to small children, a wire mesh chain
link fence (as shown in Figure 8) may be used. Care should be
taken to maintain adequate ventilation around the outlet terminal.
If a chain link fence is installed, it must not be used as a storage
area for items that may block proper ventilation.
fIGure 8.
venting through roof - clearances
• 0" clearance for 3" PVC, ABS, or CPVC Schedule 40 piping from
combustible and noncombustible surfaces.
• The vent exhaust outlet and air inlet terminals shall terminate at
least 18" (45.7 cm) above the roof surface, see Figure 9.
fIGure 9.
aIr for ventIlatIon for applIances located In
confIned spaces
Air for ventilation should be provided if installed in a confined space.
Refer to the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1.
InsulatIon BlanKets
Insulation blankets are available to the general public for external
use on gas water heaters but are not necessary with these products.
The purpose of an insulation blanket is to reduce the standby heat
loss encountered with storage tank heaters. Your water heater
meets or exceeds the National Appliance Energy Conversation Act
standards with respect to insulation and standby loss requirements,
making an insulation blanket unnecessary.