Due to the continuous products improvement, the indications of the present manual can be modified without previous warning and in any
case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual property or patent.
2009-2010 S.A. Sistel -E 08211 BARCELONA
Pag. 5
1.2 Precautions against damage to people
Do not work on the product with the
power on.
To avoid electrical discharge, this product must not be handled with
the system powered on and in any case it may not be operated
without protective covers.
1.3 Precautions against damage to the product
Do not insert / unplug cards or other
electronic elements when powered up
The connection/disconnection of the I/O’s when plugged to the
power could produce a sequence of connections that could damage
electronic components which had been previously connected to their
corresponding reference earth.
Do not force the connection tag strips
The connection tag strips are connected exerting a small pressure. If
you encounter difficulty to plug them this may mean that they are
upside down or not aligned. If they are forced, besides the damage
to the strip you can cause damages on the electronics.
Secure the ground connections quality.
All the ground connections must be star-type and with the suitable
section. Loop ground connections are potential receptor antennas
with capacity to generate important current peaks.
Use suitable packing material for
An electronic module with a lot of fragile components should be
transported with a good protection packaging. A collision can cause
damages that could appear long time after the start up.
Do not install this product near heat
sources, strong vibrations or high
humidity that exceeds the technical
Check that the product works without vibrations that exceed the
maximum levels specified, and which could damage its integrity or
cause a contact to become disconnected. The product should work
without humidity and in the temperature range detailed in the
technical specifications.
2. Limits of the guarantee
Products are supplied to the latest available development state at the time of manufacture. Should there
be any future changes for functional or productive improvements of the products; the manufacturer does
not hold any obligation to reprocess at no charge the products that have been already manufactured to
upgrade them to the latest versions.
All the products supplied by S.A. Sistel have passed all established quality controls as well as the EMC
(Electromagnetic Compatibility Checks). The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage
produced by defective manipulation, installation or incompatibility with other products.
The products’ guarantee will only be in force when the installation has been done in accordance with
the technical prescriptions in this manual and the settled general standards: Low Voltage Electro Tech-
nical Regulation (or equivalent for each country) and CE regulations for the Electromagnetic Compatibil-