When standing on the reformer always put your first foot on
the satnding platform and then the other on the carriage.when
getting off the reformer from standing take your foot off the
carriage first and then step down off the standing platform.
Use the reformer in a clear space with at least 1m of space all
around the machine, this equipment is for indoor use only on
a firm and flat surface.
Before starting any exercise program, consult a physician.
Before using the equipment, read and follow instructions in
the safety manual and obtain thorough instruction from a
qualified trainer.
Use equipment only for recognised pilates repertoire.
Stop exercising if you experience chest pain, feel faint, have
difficulty breathing or experience muscule skeletal
Keep clothing, body and hair free from all moving parts.
Do not use if equipment appears worn, broken or damaged.
Do not attempt to repair equipment your-self.
Do not allow children to use or be around equipment without
adult supervision.
If standing the equipment for storage, be sure it is kept in a
safe place, on level ground and away from children.