User Manual
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Copyright © 3onedata Co., Ltd.
Setp 5
Enter the listen port "30000" of the serial device server A in the "Dest Port" text box.
Step 6
After completing the above configuration, the serial device server A and the serial
device server B successfully establish the connection, each device serial port can
send and receive serial data.
9.7 UDP Rang Mode
Background brief
When the router, switch and other devices do not support multicast function, the serial
decice server can work in the UDP Rang mode to achieve multicast function.
Assuming that the serial port COM1 of the serial devcie server is connected to the
host computer, it needs to transmit the serial data to two hosts that specify the same
network segment "" to "" through the UDP protocol at the
same time.
The parameters of the serial server (UDP server) are as follows:
IP Address:
Local Port: 30000
BaudRate: 115200
PairtyBits: None
DataBits: 8
StopBits: 1
The parameters of the host PC A (UDP client A) are as follows:
IP Address:
Local Port: 31000
The parameters of the host PC B (UDP client B) are as follows:
IP Address:
Local Port: 31000
Operation steps
Setp 1
Configure the IP address of the serial server.
1. Log in to the Web configuration interface and select “Network Setting”.