User Manual
3onedata proprietary and confidential 16
Copyright © 3onedata Co., Ltd.
Main element configuration instructions in RealCom Mode interface
Interface Elements Description
Session number
The number of hosts that a serial port is connected at the
same time.
Each host according to the "first in first out" in the order
and serial port communication.
The system supports up to 4 connections.
TCP alive time
If there isn't any TCP activity within schedule time, the
system will automatically send connection detection
message and check whether the TCP connection is valid. If
the reply packet of opposite side hasn't been received after
sending probe packet for 3 times, system will regard the
opposite side as down and forwardly close the
communication connection.
Ignore jammed
Enables or disables ignore jammed connections. The
options are:
Enabled: The system ignores blocked network
connections and continues to send data to other normal
network connections.
Disabled: If the network connection is blocked or the
response is lost, the system will wait until the data is
successfully sent to all network connections before
sending the next data.
Cmd type
Compatible with other companies of the virtual serial port
software. The options are:
Disable: means to use our company's virtual serial port