Industrial Ethernet Switch User Manual
3onedata proprietary and confidential
Copyright © 3onedata Co., Ltd.
communicate with another computer, over this interface can still communicate with
other computers. Port security is designed to protect the port and the corresponding
port security, the port will forward the data when the specified MAC make a
connection with this port, it is assumed that to set port security and with one MAC
binding, then this PC can communicate with other ports, but other computers
connected to this port cannot communicate. Button [Add/Edit] and [Delete] for adding,
removing the static MAC address. Static MAC address requests a valid input from the
user, will display warning messages if you enter an invalid MAC address. Port field is
used to select a static MAC address forwarding ports; you can specify one or more
forward ports. Click [Add/Edit] and [Delete] will trigger the static MAC address
forwarding table updates.
This function is a security mechanism, be careful to confirm the setting, otherwise be
used with caution.
Do not use a multicast address as the input address.
Do not enter the reserved MAC address, such as the device's MAC address.
9.4 Safety management
Security management can filter the MAC, set the port to allow or prohibit a specific
MAC address.
MAC filtering
MAC address filtering interface includes enabling or disabling MAC address filtering,
MAC address filtering rule setting and rule list view, as shown in Figure.