User manual
Page 30
ms. Its main purpose is to detect network connection. It sends a detecting packet to next door devices
by CPU. If they receive it, then reply a confirm packet to ensure network connection is active. If this
setting will influence self-recovery time, we suggest advanced users can use it.
Basic interface of Rapid Ring as shown in figure 6.6.2:
Figure 6.6.2
Initial interface display redundancy protocol is none, can configure it through [Settings]. There
has 3 type SW-Ring arithmetic: Ring V1,Ring V2 and Ring V3), Ring V1 support single ring, Ring V2
support single and coupling ring, Ring V3 Single ring, coupling ring, chain ring and Dual_homing.
Method to enabled Ring V1:
1. Enable Ring V1
Select Ring V1 in [Settings] drop-down menu, figure as 6.5.3
Figure 6.5.3
2. After select Ring V1, Interface as figure 6.5.4, Ring V1 just support single ring