Control surface throws
I highly recommend that you purchase a throw meter that measures in degrees. There are
several units available commercially. These units are a great aid in set-up and definitely
beat the “that looks about right” method.
For any type of precision flying, surfaces that
travel equal distances are a must. The following control surface travels are what I use on
my own Extra. These are a good starting point, but are by no means the only way to set up
the Extra. Start here and then adjust to fit your own preferences and style of flying.
8-10 degrees low rate, 20% exponential; all you can get high rate,
60-65% exponential
20 degrees low rate, 30-40% exponential; 38-45 degrees high rate,
50-60% exponential
20 degrees low rate, 50% exponential; all you can get for high rate, 50-60%
This completes the assembly of the 3DHS 95" Extra 330E. As a final step clean the entire
aircraft with glass cleaner, then apply a coat of spray-on wax and buff the finish to a high
gloss. My favorite product for this is Eagle One Wet Wax AS-U-DRY, available in the
automotive section of most Wal-Marts, K-marts, Sears, Targets, etc. People often ask me
at trade shows how I get the planes to look so shiny, this is my secret. You may wish to
apply all of your graphics before applying the coat of wax.
Thanks again for your purchase of the 3DHS Extra 330E ARF. I hope you enjoy
assembling and flying yours as much as I have mine.
See you at the flying field!
Chris Hinson