3D Systems, Inc.
Setting up Status INI File
Before running the ModelerStatus.exe, a text file must be created that specifies the desired machine. See example below.
The table below provides a description of the Printer Status INI parameters .
The ModelerBatch .exe application can be invoked from command line or program . The command line format is as follows:
• RootDir
\bin\ModelerBatch.exe IniFile ReportFile
• Descriptions:
• RootDir
- the installation folder of the ProJet client, which can be obtained from the registry by using:
• Key
= “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3D Systems\3D Modeling Accelerator”
• Name
= “RootDir”
• ReportFile
- returns a report to a specified file on the job submission
NOTE: If a filename is not specified for the report file, the data will be written to a default file named ReportFile.txt.
This file will be overwritten every time the modelerbatch.exe or modelerstatus.exe applications are run without a
report file specified
The DOS window show below is an example of running the ModelerBatch .exe via command window .
Running the application
Section Name
Default Value
IP Address
IP address of the designated printer, e .g ., 192 .168 .0 .2 or
192 .168 .000 .002
JOB - JobName
The job names are not necessary to request current printer status .
However, individual job status will only be returned to the output
ReportFile if the job names are specified in the INI file.
The job name is formatted as “JOB - username@Computer-
Name-####”, where #### represents the 4-digit job number