3D Systems, Inc.
The printer batch processor allows users to prepare/send jobs and inquire job status for multiple printers across networks without
using 3D Accelerator Client software, which requires human interactions . It is compatible with various 3D Systems’ supported 3D
Printers, including ProJet, InVision, and ThermoJet .
The ModelerBatch.exe application reads the job parameters from the given parameter file (.ini file), then prepares, packs and
sends the jobs to a designated printer . The ModelerStatus .exe application allows the user to inquire the job status on a designated
printer for both current and previous jobs including “printing”, “pending”, “completed”, and “aborted” .
Printer Batch Processing / Setting Job Parameters via INI File
Before running the ModelerBatch
h.exe, a text file must be created that specifies the desired parameters for the pending job. See example below:
All the job parameters are categorized into two sections:
Job Properties
Job Prepare