2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
Figure 3.48:
GSM – Audio Parameters
You can define the CLI function (CLIP - Calling Line Identification Presentation, or CLIR
- Calling Line Identification Restriction) and also set the Auto CLIP routing in this menu.
Auto CLIP Routing
The AutoClip routing is used for automatic routing of incoming calls to internal
extensions. Records are added to the gateway memory while outgoing calls are made
and stored for a defined time. When an internal extension makes an outgoing call and
the Auto CLIP routing is enabled, the new records on the calling and called numbers
are saved into the internal memory. If the called number calls back in a defined time,
the call is automatically routed to the internal extension that was the first to call this
Figure 3.49:
The form in Fig. 3.49 contains the following fields:
Original CLI support
– Check off this option to enable the CLI support.
Auto CLIP routing
– Check off this option to enable the Auto CLIP routing
Expiration time –
Enter the number of hours for which the records shall be
Delete record for connected answer –
Check off this option to delete a record
in the CLIP routing memory after a successful call.
Add only missed calls –
Check off this option to add missed calls only to the