2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
Figure 3.16:
Port Mapping
The configuration shown in Fig. 3.16 enables you to create a permanent translation
entry that maps a TCP port 80 on your gateway to an IP address and port
8088 on your private LAN.
DHCP Server
DHCP server settings in case
serves as
2N OfficeRoute/2N VoiceBlue Enterprise
a LAN DHCP server.
Figure 3.17:
DHCP Server Setting Form
Lease time –
Validity of a leased IP address in seconds.
Start address –
Start of an IP address pool.
End address –
End of an IP address pool.
Subnet option –
Subnet mask for an internal network.
Router option –
Default gateway of subnet (typically the
2N OfficeRoute/2N
IP address, for VRRP it is the IP address of the virtual
VoiceBlue Enterprise
Primary / Secondary DNS –
Used only in the case of local DNSs in the LAN.