2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
3.1 Web Browser Configuration
Web Browser Access
While the serial console interface enables you to change the basic gateway parameters
only, the web browser gives you access to all parameter settings and services available
in the
gateway. To establish connection with the gateway, enter the
2N OfficeRoute
gateway IP address into the Internet address setting line in the browser, e.g. Mozilla
Firefox or Internet Explorer.
If you have connected all parts properly and set the correct gateway and PC IP
addresses, the configuration wizard should get displayed.
Configuration Wizard
If you are connecting to the
gateway the first time or after a factory
2N OfficeRoute
reset, the configuration wizard should appear. The configuration wizard will lead you
through the
setting. After entering the required information you will
2N OfficeRoute
be able to use a high speed data Internet connection, make outgoing and incoming
calls to GSM and UMTS networks and benefit from the PBX features.
Figure 3.1:
Configuration Wizard – Introduction
1. Administrator Password
Enter a new administrator password for login to the web interface. It is important to
change the password to ensure your data security. The administrator username is
Admin. Store your password (default = 2n) by clicking on the icon in the navigation