2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
Figure 3.40:
H.323 Line Details
The form contains the following fields:
Call method –
Define how to initiate a new call. There are three options
Direct – calling including identification of the fully qualified network name of the
called line;
Gatekeeper – the selected Gatekeeper shall find the route and set up a call;
Gateway – calling via a selected gateway.
Gatekeeper discovery method –
defines how to find the available Gatekeeper
address. The address can be entered statically or determined by network
Gatekeeper address –
if not determined by network retrieval, the Gatekeeper
address must be entered in this field.
Gateway address –
the address of the gateway to be used for calling if the
calling method is selected.
Gateway prefix(es –
the prefixes used by the gateway for registration.
Endpoint type –
the gateway can register itself to the Gatekeeper either as a
gateway for a prefix (destinations starting with the prefix are routed through the