© 2mag AG
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Version: 5.1
Do never use any pressure-tight closed flasks.
Do only use temperature-resistant vessels.
Be careful with plastic flasks!
2.6 Stirring bars
In general, all stirring bars matching the length and diameter can be used.
But we recommend using the commercial stirring bars with Samarium
Cobalt magnetic core (SmCo). By using this highly energetic magnetic
material the maximum stirring power of the magnetic stirrer can be
achieved, especially when mixing viscose media.
2.6.1 ASTEROID Stirring Bars
We recommend using 2mag –ASTEROID stirring bars to increase the
stirring performance at enhanced requirements.
ASTEROID stirring bars a newly developed, high-effective and ideal for:
large mixing volumes
viscous media
stirring over wide distances
at disadvantageous vessel bottoms.
2mag ASTEROID stirring bars transmit more than 4x higher torque.
Therefore the bars creating an unbeatable increased mixing effect in
comparison to conventional stirring bars. The high energetic and long-
term stable magnetic field does not have any demagnetization effect.
The concave design is made for a minimum of bearing surface and reliable
rotation. Significantly higher rotation speed reachable! 300% less PTFE
abrasion than comparable round shape stirring bars. The triangular shape
raises the powerful shear force and increases the mixing effect at lower
rotation speed.
The high quality PTFE cover is even and sealing the magnet, FDA-conform
and steam sterilizable at 121°C.