Obtaining a blood sample from alternate sites is diff erent than
a fi ngertips sample collecting.
After inserting a new sterile lancet, put on
the clear AST cap to the lancing device.
Place the lancing device on selected posi-
tion, pressing the lancing device for a few
seconds. After then push the release but-
ton to take a sample. Watch through the
clear cap until a suffi
cient blood sample is
taken. If there is not enough blood, gently
massage the area until a suffi
cient sample
has been collected.
Caution: Do not test on alternate sites:
when you think your blood glucose level is
changing rapidly, such as within two hours of
exercise, a rapid-acting insulin injection or insulin
pump bolus or within two hours after a meal.
When you are testing for hypoglycemia (low
blood glucose) or
if you suff er from hypoglycemia unawareness.